FPS Finance has not updated the list of ”false hybrids” for almost a year, so it was time for an update. A self-charging hybrid car is not a ”false hybrid” contrary to what some people think. The Belgian tax authorities consider a ”false hybrid” to be a plug-in hybrid that emits more than 50 grams of CO2 or whose battery energy ratio does not exceed 0.5kWh per 100 kilograms of vehicle weight.

Discover the new list of false hybrids here.

For these ”false hybrids”, the CO2 values mentioned on the certificate of conformity may not be used when calculating the deductibility and the VAA calculation. Here, the CO2 value of corresponding vehicles is used. If there is no corresponding vehicle, the CO2 value of the certificate of conformity must be multiplied by 2.5. This rule does not apply if the ”false hybrid” was purchased before 1 January 2018 (to be proven by the order form or lease contract).

The FPS-finances publishes an updated version of this list several times. Click here to stay informed.